Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Twilight Takes It All
Was the movie itself deserving or was the story provided by the best-selling saga responsible for the many awards received? Personally, I do not believe that the movie its self was a better made film compared to the others nominated. It was the vampire crazed fans, whose hearts were captured by the amazing talents of Stephanie Meyer, who drove the movie to its unbelievable success. The film was given a relatively small budget to begin with and therefore left the film without amazing special affects and somewhat tacky. As I watched the Twilight movie for the first time at the midnight theater appearance, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awkwardness as I watched my favorite fictional characters diminished. I cannot say that the actors themselves lack talent; however the story is a complex one and the characters nearly impossible to accurately portray. The fictional characters, created by Stephanie Meyer, are the objects of a deep affection for millions of readers and it was the books success that could ultimately have caused the movie to lack excellence. Every reader may have perceived the characters a particular way and no one actor, in this case, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, could accurately fit the previously constructed image of the characters.
At the MTV Movie Awards Twilight and its cast walked away with 5 awards: Kristen Stewart, the actress playing Bella Swan, took the award for Best Female Actress, Rob Pattinson, who played Edward Cullen, took the award for Breakthrough Performance Actor, and together the two actors walked away with the Best Kiss award. Also Rob Pattinson and Cam Gigandet received the award for Best Fight. Finally, the awards concluded with Twilight taking home the biggest prize of the night, Best Movie of the Year! Whether the film was deserving, or not, I cannot decide, Twilight (the book) deserved all of it and more.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Why Don't You Go For a Run?
As the weather continues to improve and the days become long and warm, you will most likely see people running alongside roads, throughout parks and other various locations. With the unbearably cold winter officially being over and the smell of new grass and warm paved roads filling Apple Valley, the number of runners outside will continue to increase. As you observe these runners some of you may ask yourselves why? Why on earth are these people spending their time running? When asked if she enjoys running, Jordan DeVille responded, “Are you crazy I can’t stand running and I don’t understand how anyone could enjoy it. It gives me cramps and burns my throat after only a short distance!”. That is a very strong opinion but a very common one among others. However, for some people running is a wonderful thing and they can’t imagine their lives without it.
For me, being able to run is a blessing. Some days when I run I feel confident and energized. Whereas other days while I am running I feel calm and levelheaded. Everyone who runs has different motivations for getting their feet moving. For some it’s the desire to lose weight, for some its them training for a race, and for others its just a daily activity which allows them to move and enjoy the outdoors. Running is a very personal thing and no one person will give you the exact same answer when asked why they do it. One lifelong runner, Joel Kiekbusch tells me, “I run because as a child it was the only thing I was good at and through the years it has been a wonderful method for distressing myself”. Running gives a person the time to reflect and organize their thoughts, which we all know can be much needed on stressful days.
Also, running is healthy and improves a person’s overall health and fitness. Sure there are other methods for getting a good cardio workout but running is incomparable. “I personally don’t enjoy using cardio machines at the gym, running just feels so natural” explains Kiekbusch. For a person trying to stay in shape it may be rather inconvenient to go to a gym for a daily workout. If you are a runner all you have to do is throw on a pair of running shoes and head out your front door. Running is a workout out in it’s simplest form. “The thought of driving all the way to Lifetime is often enough to prevent me from exercising. During the warmer months of the year I love that I can just walk outside and go for a run under the sun” explains April Webster. With April being my neighbor, I often join her for runs throughout the neighborhood. One way to motivate yourself to run is to bring along a partner to keep you going strong and it also isn’t a bad idea for your safety.
Going back to Jordan DeVille’s question, “Why Run?”. Well you should run because of its convenience, its benefits to your health and fitness, and because everyone can use some personal time to sort through thoughts while enjoying the outdoors. I encourage you all to take advantage of the beautiful summer and try out running. Whatever is keeping you from running I am sure there is a solution. If it’s physical discomfort, start out slow and with consistency that will go away. If boredom creeps up on you while running, then bring along an iPod. When you see those people out running, hopefully you will better understand why they do it and why you should give it a shot!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Feature Article Peer Reviews
1. What are some areas that could use more detail? Why?
Over all there was a lot of detail about her stories subject, new years resolutions. There could possibly be additional detail added regarding other new years resolutions.
2. What additional sources might the author use? Does the lead involve you in the story?
The author could have interviewed other people who have attempted or succeeded with New Year's resolutions. There are many people who have information on this subject.
3. Does the story contain a well defined scene (a detailed description of someone doing something or something happening)? What is it? If not, make a suggestion for a scene that might work.
Yes, there was a very good story line. It was easy to follow and very interesting. I wanted to keep reading to hear more about the womans success with her resolution.
4. What would you like to see or hear more of? Less of? Include, any other suggestions you have for improvement.
Over all I really enjoyed reading this article. It was a good story and it kept me interested. It was motivational and I really enjoyed reading about Nada and her successful New Year's resolution.
Peer Review #2: Stephanie Kent
1. What are some areas that could use more detail? Why?
The author could have added more detasil about Darren's current situationa nd his future plans. Ultimately that seems to be what the story is building up to and once she got that point she just summerized it.
2. What additional sources might the author use? Does the lead involve you in the story?
I was very interested in the sotry. She could have possibly interviewd other players on Darrens team.
3. Does the story contain a well defined scene (a detailed description of someone doing something or something happening)? What is it? If not, make a suggestion for a scene that might work.
The scene was excellent I felt like i got to know exactly what Darren was going through as he gre3w up playing basketball. With this story line it may have been necessary to go into a lenthier story so the reader can know more about what it is goin on.
4. What would you like to see or hear more of? Less of? Include, any other suggestions you have for improvement.
I would have likes to read more about what Darren is currently doing and also more about his future plans playing in Europe.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Chemical Free Prom
In previous years, some Eastview students have participated in underage alcohol consumption, as well as other chemical use, before, during and after prom. Certain precautions will be taken in order to keep this event chemical-free. As stated in the “2009 Prom letter to Students and Parents”, “As an official school function, no alcoholic beverages will be permitted at the Prom site. Security officers will be on hand to promote a healthy and safe environment for our students”. It is important for students to understand the reasoning behind this is for their safety and for obvious legal reasons. Officer Baird states, “My biggest concern is drinking and then going on to operate a vehicle”. Although many students choose to have a limo or a party bus escort them for the night, driving may become necessary latter on in the night. With the number of drunk driving accidents increasing during prom season every school and community puts forth a great effort to reduce teen drinking.
Prom is a very exciting time for Eastview students and although drinking alcohol may seem like it goes hand in hand with this event, it is very possible to have just as good of a time being sober. Because drinking alcohol is so socially acceptable in our society, teenagers so often forget how to have fun when it isn’t present. One prom advisor, Patty Sherwin expresses, “I just think that people in general, whether it be adults or students, need to learn to have fun without chemicals”. Students should be able to enjoy their prom with their friends, and in the years to come, they should be able to look back on that night with wonderful memories.
Also, the school is supporting a chemical-free atmosphere for after prom parties. Officer Baird explained that local law enforcements are extremely aware of the situation during these last weeks of high school and they will be carefully monitoring the party scene after prom. Students need to not only avoid alcohol during prom but also at any parties they may attend afterwards. It is mainly a safety issue but ending your prom night in legal trouble is not ideal for anyone. As an alternative to drinking after prom, students can still gather with their friends and have plenty of fun. Up to eight possible parents may volunteer to host substance-free parties for students to attend and Eastview High school has offered to help fund them. There is an application on the Eastview website for interested parents.
In only 4 short days Prom night will finally be here and Students will dress their best and can expect a night full of dancing with their closest friends. For some students this will be the last big high school event of their lives and they should fully consider how they want to remember this night. Some students will choose to consume alcohol and with that they are risking getting caught and facing legal trouble as well as disciplinary action from the school. All of Eastview’s staff, including the administration and Officer Baird have clearly warned students and their parents what the outcome of underage drinking at prom will be and now it is up to the students to decide how they will spend their night at prom.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Peer Edit on Articles
Graduation Ceremony will be Changed in 2010 at Eastview High School
Written by Jessica Karam
After reading her lead and backup I found a few areas that could use improvement. One being her first sentence. The last sentence of her first paragraph should be part of her first sentence. It states what the article is all about and should be made clear at the beginning of the story. Also there needs to be more information about what is going to be happening during next years graduation in the second paragraph. That being said, I am aware that she was unable to interview people prior to this writing and the majority of her useful information will be coming from these interviews. I think it is a solid topic and an interesting story. Once the lead is rearranged and more information is gethered it should turn out to be a great article.
Peer Review #2:
Senior Privileges
Writen by Stephanie Kent
The first sentence is not a long sentence explaining exactly what the 5 Ws and H are. It does introduce the topic but it doesnt state any of the crucial information. A few questions left unanswered were: What privilieges are the student council pushing for?, why is the administration getting in the way of these privileges?, and what were the privileges for past years?. Not all of these questions were answered in the second paragraph either. After interviews she should have more background information and the article will be improved with more information.
A Chemical Free Prom
Every year Eastview High School hosts the Prom for it’s students and, just as it has been the years before, a chemical-free atmosphere will strongly be enforced at the dance and after, wherever the students may go. On the night of Saturday May 23, 2009 students attending prom can expect to be carefully monitored by the many chaperones also attending the night’s festivities held at the International Market Square in Minneapolis, MN.
The previous years some Eastview students have participated in underage alcohol consumption, as well as other chemical use, before, during and after prom. Certain precautions will be taken in order to keep this event chemical-free. As stated in the “2009 Prom letter to Students and Parents”, “As an official school function, no alcoholic beverages will be permitted at the Prom site. Security officers will be on hand to promote a healthy and safe environment for our students.” Also, the school is supporting a chemical-free atmosphere for after prom parties. Up to eight possible parents may volunteer to host substance-free parties for students to attend and the school has offered to help fund them. There is an application on the Eastview website for interested parents.